
Account Information
Already have an account?

Physical card    Virtual card

Your Username is used to assist us in correctly identifying you as well as enabling you to comment and participate with other members without the need to share your real name. We encourage our members to pick a unique username they haven't used elsewhere. It's ok if you write it down somewhere to keep it handy in case you forget. You cannot change your username once it is selected so pick a good one!


When you purchase a SelfCareID membership directly (or when purchased at the end of your 45 days free trial) you will be sent via mail a Smart Card with your name and membership number, a USB NFC Reader for use with your laptop or desktop, and receipt for your 12 Months paid subscription. This subscription is set to auto-renew one year from the date of purchase. If at any time you wish to cancel your membership simply send us an email with your unique User Name and Member ID number with a request to cancel your service. You may optionally include the reason for your cancellation, ways to improve our service, and what would make you consider using our products and services again. Annual Memberships are non refundable after the first 30 days of use.

Shipping Address

Billing Address same as Shipping Address

Billing Address

I agree with the terms & conditions.

SelfCare ID Membership

12 Month Plan
  • Includes SelfCare ID Card and Reader
  • 12 months of Service
  • After 12 months of paid SelfCare ID Membership
  • Auto Renews $99.95
  • 99.95 USD